War, Work and
© 1999,
by Lisa M. Roberts
- It's hard to focus on business when our
country is at war. Every task I work on seems trivial. Every
business solution becomes anti-climatic problem-solving. Every
new brainstorm seems like misdirected thought and energy.
- It's hard to listen to my kids
in heated discussion over which candy -- jelly beans or marshmallow
rabbits -- is the greater prize in their Easter baskets, when
visions of refugees -- from infants to the elderly -- have been
crossing over the television screen and front page news stories
for two weeks now. My husband's eczema and my periodic sinus
troubles are thrown into the pile of trivia along with upcoming
parent-teacher conferences and end-of-year school projects. In
short, during this time of international unrest, parenting my
well-provided for children seems more of a blessing yet more
of an indulgence as well.
- Without question, our family's
aches and pains and worries are like mosquito bites in a cancer
ward in respect to world news. How do we go about the business
of our blatantly sheltered day when the business of the day for
thousands of refugees is scrambling for food, shelter and a shred
of hope?
- My mother, who visited Yugoslavia
with my father three times in the past, helped me bring the Kosovo
people and their experience to light. I asked her to share her
thoughts and experience with us for this issue. She wrote:
- "In 1989
we made our first trip to Yugoslavia to visit Medjugorje, a place
we felt was holy ground, to give thanks for our eldest daughter's
recovery from a serious illness. During our visit we stayed with
a family from that village. You could see how close and devoted
they were to each other. They had so much less than what we in
America are use to, but were content with what they had. They
worked so much harder than we do for their daily existence, but
worked without complaint. We went to visit a nearby town called
Mostar while we were there. Everyone there was kind and warm
also. It made our heart break to know that war had broken out
and destroyed Mostar after we had left during the Bosnia war.
Now to think of all the refugees in Kosovo that have been forced
out of their homes and country makes me very sad. How do you
leave everything that you own and love and still go on? I know
how difficult it was for my parents, who migrated from Italy
to America, to do this, but at least it was their choice. God
give the people of Kosovo the strength they need."
- For my part, I believe it helps
to get involved, in whatever remote way possible, considering
that we are so far away in time, distance and experience. When
I found a listing in the newspaper of organizations taking donations
for the refugees, my family came to prompt attention, and everyone
with their own bank account was willing and eager to contribute
in some way. Granted, what we can give is a drop in the bucket,
but that bucket is deep and every drop counts.
- Wherever you are living and
whatever you may think about the decisions our leaders are making
as each day of this crisis unfolds, you may be interested in
helping the incomprehensible number of displaced Balkan families.
Here are a few international organizations standing by for your
- CARE, 800-521-CARE
Catholic Relief Services,
Christian Children's
Fund, 800-776-6767
Doctors of the World,
Doctors Without Borders, 888-392-0392
International Medical Corps,
International Rescue Committee,
World Relief, 800-597-5972
MAP International, 800-225-8550
Mercy Corps International,
Kosovo Relief, 800-852-2100
World Vision, 888-511-6423
- May peace be within each of
you individually, and our respective countries at large, very
- Lisa Roberts is the mother of four,
owner of The
Entrepreneurial Parent, LLC and the author of How to Raise A Family &
A Career Under One Roof: A Parent's Guide to Home Business
(Bookhaven Press, 1997). Copies of her book are available for
purchase at EP
and through