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vs. Entrepreneurs
Intrapreneurs reinvigorate
corporate departments that have become stagnant and stale. Home
office professionals -- with their technological know-how
and enterprising workstyle -- are often hired as intrapreneurs
when they return to the traditional workforce.
© 1997,
by Lisa M. Roberts
While a move from big business employment
to small business or self-employment was once considered risky
to most and even foolish to some, today the decision is becoming
a strategic move in one's career. The process of becoming an
"entrepreneur" -- from market
research to business start-up to networking and sales -- can equate to a graduate study and makes for a
more educated and valuable employee.
Whether or not your business
venture actually shows a profit, if the skills honed through
the process are strong you can trade them in for an executive
position with a fresh and updated professional profile.
When the time comes to re-enter
the traditional work force, you'll discover that the entrepreneurial
spirit fits well in the evolving job market. While certain companies
look to maintain status quo, others hope to turn the tide. Home
office professionals, with their technological know-how and enterprising
workstyle, are prime tide turners.
Although the senior management
of more and more companies hire consultants to fill such voids
(enabling home businesses to boom!), there is still a considerable
number who need this kind of input full-time, in-house. They
call such employees intrapreneurs.
Intrapreneurs reinvigorate corporate
departments that have become stagnant and stale. With the full
support (in financial and human resources) of upper management,
the projects led by intrapreneurs have a strong track record
of success. In addition, intrapreneurs fill the corporate
office with that entrepreneurial spirit by having the
ability to:
- recognize opportunity (through
research, screening and analyzing).
- draw up a business plan with
marketing and financial professionals.
- build a team to develop and
implement the project.
The real challenge of an intrapreneur
comes API (After Project Implementation). By satisfying
top management there may be a healthy bonus for successful project
completion, but what comes next? It's either on to a new project
within the company... or on to a new company...or back to your
own company!
- © 1997 Lisa M. Roberts, all rights reserved. The above article
is an excerpt from How
to Raise A Family & A Career Under One Roof: A Parent's Guide
to Home Business, a title highly recommended by La Leche
League, Home Office Computing and the Family Christian
Bookclub. Order
your own copy today!