Helping a fellow En-Parent...Some advice, please.

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Posted by Wendy on March 28, 19100 at 08:08:45:

Her husband has a good job, but is in a profession that doesn't typically pay well (many "professionals" with families in this field are eligible for social Aid programs, like WIC), and raises are few, and bonuses non-existent.

As a result, despite the fact that both of them are working, they are having some financial difficulties.

The friend pendulums between feeling guilty about not having a "conventional" job (although she's working THREE jobs), and being angered by society's stereotyping her as a selfish, free-loader who won't go out and get a job to help ease the financial burden on her husband.

Have any of you been in this or a similar situation? What did you do to help ease your family's financial stress? How did you promote your business without causing a greater financial strain on your family?

Have any of you had a friend in this or a similar situation? How did you help her?

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