A Word from A
Money, Money"
- ©
1999, by Cheryl Demas
- If life could only be as easy as my 5-year
old imagines it to be. The way she sees it, if we're near an
ATM, we're near money. In her world, the ATMs are a source of
endless cash.
But for those of us in the adult
world, it's not so easy. Money worries can be overwhelming. Ask
almost any marriage counselor and they will tell you that money
is the number one cause of arguments for most couples.
I recently heard from a Work
At Home Mom who was wondering about a rumor she had heard. According
to the rumor, there is a clinic somewhere that will pay $50,000
for a testicle. How would you like to sit in on *that* family
meeting? "Honey? You know how we're getting behind on our
bills? Well ... I think I've found a solution."
Seriously, if you need more money,
(who doesn't?) I figure there are two options: make more money
and save more money.
Let's look at making money first.
I know it's frustrating to be working and working at your home
business, and still not see much return. Don't give up. If you
talk to any successful businessperson, they will most likely
tell you that they had many lean years before they finally started
making money. On the other hand, don't think that money will
eventually come to you automatically either.
Be honest with yourself, are
you really "working" your home business? Don't think
that you can just put your site online, or sign up for a business
and the money will start rolling in. You need to promote yourself,
and your business. You need to get out there and talk to people.
You need to listen to the feedback you get from your customers,
and take action on their comments.
I wish I could give you a magic
make-money formula, but I'm afraid there is no such thing.
On the saving side, check out
these resources:
- Frugal Moms (http://www.frugal-moms.com/)
- Suze Orman, author of The Courage
to Be Rich has a great list of resources on her site (http://www.suzeorman.com/resource.html)
- The Dollar Stretcher (http://www.stretcher.com/)
- Go to your library and check
out these books:
- The Complete Tightwad Gazeette
(ISBN: 0375752250)
By Amy Dacyczyn
- Frugal Families (ISBN: 1888306505)
and/or Miserly Moms (ISBN: 1888306149) By Jonni McCoy
- Mary Hunt's The Complete Cheapskate
(ISBN: 0805417702)
By Mary Hunt
These are a few to get you started.
There are many more helpful resources.
And please, before you do any
thing desperate, make sure you've done everything possible to
reduce your expenses and maximize your income.
Although, ... I have been thinking.
If we could get $50,000 for one testicle, I wonder what they'd
give us for the "whole package"??