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Exercise - The
Natural Stress Reducer
- My favorite thing about
exercising is that you can still engage your mind and use your
exercise time as a productive business tool. You don't have to
concentrate on anything during this time except your body and
your mind.
I had quite a wake-up call this past month.
My mother went in for emergency heart surgery. The doctors all
agreed that two key elements had contributed to her clogged arteries
-- lack of exercise and an overabundance of stress. I knew it
was time to take a look at my own routine and evaluate how I
could reduce the stress in my life by combining these two factors
and making them work toward a healthier life. Let me share some
of what I learned.
The key element to reducing physical
stress is the release of endorphins into the bloodstream. Aerobic
exercise is a powerful tool that releases endorphins naturally
and works to strengthen the heart muscle. Endorphins make us
all feel like we can take on the world. Getting a good workout
three to four days a week is critical in keeping the endorphins
flowing, heart pumping and stress-levels low.
It's really not as hard to start
exercising as you may think. Think of an activity which takes
about 45 minutes of your time but isn't productive such as watching
television or surfing the 'net. Now, replace that activity with
exercise be it walking, jogging, rollerblading, bicycling or
any other favorite aerobic activity that gets your heart pumping
at a reasonable pace (you should still be able to carry on a
conversation while doing the activity). The long-term gains of
switching off the computer or television are well worth it because
you'll feel like a new person with more energy and less stress
by trading an unproductive 45 minutes with a heart-building exercise
you enjoy.
My favorite thing about exercising
is that you can still engage your mind and use your exercise
time as a productive business tool. You don't have to concentrate
on anything during this time except your body and your mind.
The best time for me to work through a problem with a client
or think about a new business strategy is while I'm taking my
walk through the neighborhood. Whenever I have a major problem
and find myself getting agitated, I find my daughter's stroller
and my walking shoes and go for a long walk.
Every single time I come back
from my walk with either a solution or a better perspective on
the problem than if I had sat and stewed over it. The reason
for this is because I've had some time to think through the crisis
clearly and really concentrate on a solution. I've also gained
a valuable perspective, making me realize the problem wasn't
as big as my inner voice had made it. I even sleep better because
I'm truly physically tired from my workout and my problem isn't
nagging at me all night.
I can't stress this enough. (Get
it?) Exercise is one of the number one ways of reducing stress
and staying healthy. It's inexpensive and as easy as putting
on a pair of shoes. Taking the first steps can even be fun if
shared with a friend, your spouse or your children. After all,
investing 45 minutes three to four days a week can go a long
way in a healthier routine that might even save your life.
Unfortunately, my mom had to
learn this the hard way, but I've heard she's already walking
a mile every day. I'll be walking right along with her.
Desiree Scales is the Owner of Bella Web Design at 3605 Sandy Plains Rd., Suite 240-121, Marietta,
GA 30066, Email: [email protected], Phone: 770-509-8797,
Fax: 770-509-9488 (if busy, call above number), Web site: