- EP Q&As
- Work-Family Transitions
- EP Article:
- 6 Ways to Work-Family Balance
- Pat's Web
- www.workoptions.com
- Pat
- Need help
getting the boss to say "yes" to a shorter work week? Ask Pat for help!
- Pat Katepoo
Work Options Inc
47-370 Mawaena Street
Kaneohe, HI 96744-4721
Ph: 1-800-279-FLEX (toll-free
in the USA)
- Ph: 1-808-531-9939
the USA)
Fax: Number
released upon request
Email: [email protected]
URL: www.workoptions.com
Career professionals/parents
who want to relieve a time-pressured lifestyle turn to Pat Katepoo for resources and strategic
When she started
Work Options
in 1993, Pat had a clearly stated purpose: "To help working
parents successfully arrange a flexible work schedule at their
current job to allow more time for their children." Since
then, she has assisted thousands through her work as a consultant,
counselor, speaker and writer.
Getting the boss
to say "yes" to a flexible work arrangement, such as
a four day work week or job sharing, is her specialty. Countless
individuals have used her proven, approval-winning strategies
outlined in her workbook-on-disk, Flex Success, cited by author Paula
Brook in Work Less, Live More as
"...one of the best tools to negotiate shorter or more flexible
work time...".
She and/or Work Options have been featured in several major newspapers
and magazines in Hawaii, where she and her husband reside, in
regional parenting magazines, and in national publications, including
Child, American Baby, Parenting
and Hope magazines.
Pat was a career
professional in the health field, which included years as a counselor,
when she made her first personal work-family transition. She
successfully negotiated a pro-ration of her management-level
salary and benefits when she willfully made the move to go from
being a full-time department head to a 30 hour-a-week, non-management
professional position. This transition is recounted as a "case
study" in the nationally distributed book, Breaking
Out of 9 to 5 (Peterson's, 1994).
In another full-to-part-time
strategy, she successfully negotiated a 20% reduction in time
at the job but only a single-digit percentage reduction in pay.
It's clear that
Pat knows how to strategize, position and negotiate for results!
And she can help you do the same. She is available for individual
consultation and media interviews, both by telephone. You can
reach her by e-mail at [email protected]. (Note: Send
your EP questions here!)