- EP: Ann Allen
- Mom to 3 children, ages 5 -
- Partner to Paul Allen, a computer
- Contact Info:
- Ann Allen
- Wearable Mamas
- 2916 15 Ave NW
- Rochester, MN 55901
- Phone: (507) 288-4161
- Email: [email protected]
- URL:
- Top
- EP Title(s):
- Previous
Career: I have worked
almost every job imaginable -- retail,
waitress, bookeeper, singing telegrams, office manager, realtor
and even auctioneer.
Degree: No specific degrees. I have learned more
from my children than I would have ever learned in school!
- Work Hours/Week:
I really don't know -- all those little "seconds" add up!
- Years Working@Home:
My business is 9 months
- Profile Date: 5/98