- EP Motivating
- Wouldn't it be great to find
a search engine that focused on child-related issues and nothing
else? That's why was percolating in my mind when (A), I found
out I was pregnant with my second child, and (B) I started thinking
about what I could do careerwise that might combine my business,
teaching, and parenting skills while keeping me at home.
- EP Musings:
- Incredibly, an old friend of
mine, Victor Goodman, who had successfully developed another
search engine, had been having similar thoughts. After sweating
out a round or two of financing arrangements, our work began
in earnest. I was given free reign to start designing a user-friendly,
inclusive index/search engine about young children. The technology,
which I had previously viewed with skepticism, has enabled me
to work at home and with staff people from coast to coast. On
a personal note, the first time my sister asked me for advice
about her sick child and I could tell her to go look it up at
KinderStart...I thought I might be on to something.
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