- Quoted in:
- The New York
- Christian
Science Monitor
- Kiplinger's
- Parents
- Newsday
- Family PC:
Feb. '99 issue! Click here to read "Home Office
(search the site for article)
- Home Office
- Business
- CT Post's
"Womanwise" feature article
Featured on:
- CNN's "Your
- CNBC's "Minding
Your Business"
- FoxNews'
"Fox on Psychology"
- MSG Metro
- Channel 8's
(ABC Affiliate) "Family Matters"
- ExtraHelp
Channel's "Your Small Business"
- Wall Street
Journal's "Work & Family" Radio Show with Sue Shellenbarger
- Parenting
& Business Media click here.
- Table of Contents
- Are you Homeward Bound? Read Lisa's
at Oxygen
If you're
a free agent with kids, enjoy the Free Agent
from "Take Your Child to Work Day".... |
- EP Musings:
- Over the many
years that I've been living the EP life, I have found that developing a home career
is a lot like raising another child. You need goals and vision,
frequent reality checks, and blocks of uninterrupted time for
each to grow. You could also use a "go-with-the-flow"
frame of mind for when that letter, phone call, kiss, hug, brochure,
press release, diaper, band-aid, UPS truck and school bus compete
for your attention -- all at the same time!
- No question
it's a juggling act, but so is the life of any working parent...!
- EP History:
- When I first
became a parent, I felt torn between my desire to nurture my
newborn daughter and my need to bring in a paycheck and feel
competent in my daily activities. When Jessica was 6
weeks old, I answered an ad that employed "homeworkers"
for seasonal data entry work. Within a year I had earned enough
money to launch my first home business, followed by three others
as my "home career" continues to evolve. My home businesses:
- PC Plus -- a word processing/database
management service that served a local community (1987-1989).
- A Creative
-- a marketing and communications consultancy that served the
local SOHO market (1989-1998).
- HomeWord
Bound Publishing
-- an independent publishing company that was formed to produce
How to Raise A Family & A Career Under One Roof.
This enterprise never went into operation because my title was
picked up by an established publisher, Bookhaven
- The Entrepreneurial
Parent, LLC
-- a community and career resource for entrepreneurial parents
at en-parent.com (1998).
- EP Home Life:
- I currently
live with my husband of 16 years and my four "good witches"
-- Jessica, William, Jimmy and Thomas -- in southern Connecticut.
You can reach me by e-mail at [email protected].