I just had to write to say "thank you"
a thousand times for your web site. I am pregnant with my second
child and it has long been a secret desire of mine to stay home
and raise my children myself. Your web site has given me the
inspiration to do some research and really make an effort to
develop a business that I can do from home. I am ordering your
book today. Thanks again, and I wish you and your family continued
success and happiness and countless blessings! |
-- Evelyn |
Thank you! Thank you! Thank
you! for creating this site. I was beginning to feel a little
depressed with my decision to stay at home and be with my daughter
while running my small advertising specialty company. Particularly,
during those moments when I did not receive a job or win a bid.
I have from time to time considered returning to the traditional
workforce understanding clearly that I would be violating every
bit of my spiritual nature if I did so. I am glad that EP was
there to give me the pick-me-up that I needed. (It's only been
a year since I've made this decision but when you're used to
working outside of the home it can be a bit of an adjustment
as you already know.)
I would like to thank you
by offering my marketing, communications, public relations and
writing skills anytime you might need assistance. I want to be
a part of the community you are trying to build and strengthen!
(Note from EP: read Saba's essay
-- Saba |
Thanks for a great web
site. It addresses many of my concerns as a parent in a visually
interesting way. You have provided a great resource for those
of us who wish to be parents to their children and successes
in the business world, mostly in that order ;-)
-- John
Hampton, Programmer |
What a great site! I don't
think that there is anything exactly like it. Thanks for the
most applicable info!
-- Michelle |
Thanks for the hard work.
Your web site is incredible. As a work-at-home father for the
past 2 years, specializing in Internet solutions for small to
medium sized businesses, I must say your site is well thought
out and navigates easily, quickly and logically. The information
is of the highest quality, which shows your expertise in this
area to be excellent. It is bookmarked and I have already shared
the site with others!
-- J.M. |
I just found your site and
am eager to explore! We have a home-based business (for the past
18 years) and believe it is the best option for families. Please
add us to your newsletter! Thanks!
-- D.L. |
Thank you for this wonderful
uplifting and supportive web site!
-- S.R. |
I just read your essay, Testing the Waters, and can't
wait to read your book. I am a performance improvement consultant/instructional
designer/facilittaor, partnering with corporate clients to improve
employee performance in the workplace. I've been working as a
home-based business for the last seven years and have found it
to be just wonderful and rewarding. However, our daughter was
born 10 months ago and I have been wrestling with so many of
the feelings that you described in your essay since she arrived.
Many times I have said, "Oh it would just be easier to go
out and work for someone else and come home to my family at night."
And then I realize that is not really where I want to be. I have
nurtured my home-based business over the years in preparation
for this wonderful time in my life being a parent, but it sure
is hard work trying to maintain balance. As I said, I can't wait
to read your book and learn your secrets. Thanks again!
-- L.C. |
I am 27 years old working
as a television/radio news anchor in N.Y.C. I worked so hard
to get where I am I should be content, but I am just the opposite.
I have been putting off having children to get further in my
career and I now realize the only thing I have been doing is
sacrificing. The reality is that I can never have the best of
both worlds while in this profession. I was thrilled to come
upon your information in my search for the solution to the family/career
crisis. I have a great deal of respect for you and all you have
accomplished. Thank you!
-- Deb |
Hi! I just found your site!
It's great! I work for Missouri
Women's Council in Jefferson City, MO. I never realized it
until I found your site, that I really don't have any information
specifically for women with children and the challenges they
have. I'd like to include one of your articles for our newsletter
about women entrepreneurs to assist the women of Missouri. I
have bookmarked your site for future use. Thanks!
-- Sammie
Kirchner |
I'm thoroughly enjoying your
site. As an author, speaker and owner of a small, 30-person company
in Sausalito, CA, seeing your site was an inspiration and resource.
-- K.A. |
Your site is very informative
and timely. Keep up the good work!
-- A.J. |
Well, well, well, you sure
seem inspiring. Thank you so much for the information that you
have provided - I will look for your book, and continue searching
the Internet for more information on you and for more legitimate
sources and ideas.
-- Linda in Colorado |
I'm a Producer for Ivanhoe
Broadcast News down in Orlando. I have been "surfing"
the web for women's organizations and resources. I just came
across your site and think it's great. Full of valuable information
for women who want to stay home with their kids, but still hold
a job.
-- Marianne
Mancusi, Smart Women Program Producer |
I have enjoyed your site for
many months. Thank you for your valuable contribution. I wish
you the best of luck in your endeavors!
-- H.P. |
A quick word from someone
who appreciated the information relative to your resume, factors
to consider for home business and motherhood, and suggestions
for seeking out more information on the topic. Thanks.
-- G.V. (3
months pregnant and due with first in May!) |
Thank YOU for
your interest and support!