The Entrepreneurial Parent
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EP Experts
What is the "EP Community?" (EP FAQ's)
1. Who is an Entrepreneurial Parent?
2. Who can join?
3. Do I have to pay dues to become an Entrepreneurial Parent?
4. What are the EP Profiles?
5. As an Entrepreneurial Parent, will I be entitled to a free link at the EP Site?
6. What if I don't have a web site but would like to be a member. Can I still be part of the EP Community?
Join EP (for free)
Join NAEP(for extended benefits)

1. Who is an Entrepreneurial Parent?
An Entrepreneurial Parent (EP) is a work-at-home professional who is also a parent of children under 18 years old. The Entrepreneurial Parent is designed to bring EPs together and to support them in their efforts to balance work and family under one roof.
2. Who can join?
Parents who are self-employed or working towards self-employment, and/or who are work-at-home professionals. This includes all business owners in the SOHO (Small Office Home Office) work force, as well as freelancers, consultants and telecommuters. We also welcome EP supporters -- including friends, relatives, clients, customers and anyone else who supports EPs in their quest for a viable work-family balance.
NOTE: You do not need to be turning a profit to be an Entrepreneurial Parent! Many EPs work in their home office to keep their professional careers afloat while engaging in their primary work of raising young children. This can leave little time for money-making activities. If you're an EP with happy children, rewarding work and barely- break-even earnings, then you're a success in our book!
3. Do I have to pay dues to become an Entrepreneurial Parent?
No, we realize that many EPs are on tight budgets and are struggling to balance work and family through limited resources. That's why we have two levels of membership: Associate Membership in the EP Community, and Executive Membership in the National Association of Entrepreneurial Parents (NAEP). Associate Membership is free; NAEP Membership is $60 for 2 full years of membership, with a reduced $25 annual renewal rate. Click the above links to learn the membership benefits of each option.
4. What are the EP Profiles?
The EP Profiles are a Showcase of Entrepreneurial Parents -- who we are, what we do, why we do it. It's where you can:
  • Spread the word about your business and/or home career.
  • Stand up and be counted as an Entrepreneurial Parent.
  • Celebrate your work@home lifestyle with the world!
The EP Showcase features all of our Executive Members, and being a part of it is an excellent way to promote your business. If you would like to learn more about the EP Profiles, click here.
5. As an Entrepreneurial Parent, will I be entitled to a free link at the EP Site?
Yes, we'd love to exchange links. If you have your own web site, you can pick up your "Entrepreneurial Parent" button right here and have it link back to the home page of EP ( Then email us and let us know you're proud to be an "Entrepreneurial Parent" and we'll provide free links back to your site, next to your listings in the EP Member and Business Directories.
6. What if I don't have a web site but would like to be a member. Can I still be part of the EP Community?
But of course! Just join our mailing list and become part of our virtual community. You can join anonymously and receive your electronic copy of EPnews twice a month, or you can fill out the Associate Membership Form to request an email listing in the EP Member Directory.
Also, for EPs who don't have a web site, joining the EP Community as a NAEP Member is an excellent option because it includes a Member Profile Page that advertises your business all year long, as well as NAEP Chapter Guidelines to start your own local support group of EPs, an EP product you can put to immediate use, a listing in our annual, hard copy EP Membership Directory, and many other valuable benefits. To read more about becoming an Executive Member of EP by joining the National Association of Entrepreneurial Parents (NAEP), click here.
We thank you for your interest and your support! If you have any further questions, feel free to ask directly at:

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