Welcome to the National Association of Entrepreneurial
Parents (NAEP),
a community
and career resource for parents in the SOHO workforce! NAEP's mission
of professional connection, recognition and education provides
the support you are looking for in today's evolving work-family
- EPs are parents who are self-employed or working towards
self-employment, and include all business owners in the SOHO
(Small Office Home Office) work force, as well as freelancers,
consultants and telecommuters. The
Association of Entrepreneurial Parents is designed to bring EPs together and to support them in their efforts
to balance work and family on their own terms.
- We hope you
will use and enjoy your NAEP membership to enhance your professional profile
and help you gain the expertise you need to make your independent
career a success. We also hope you'll take advantage of the personal
and professional connection NAEP offers you. Whether it's through attending local
NAEP support group meetings,
the more private forum of connection through our quarterly EPnews publication, or the
vocational resources of our business-related services, NAEP links the independent professional with each other
and with the career tools you'll need to launch and grow your
home career.
- As a NAEP member, you'll have
access to a multitude of contacts, publications and services,
all of which are outlined on the Member Services page. Take a moment
or two now to look through the wide range of benefits available
to you upon acceptance in the National Association of Entrepreneurial
Then send in your application or give us a call, letter,
fax or e-mail if you'd like further information:
- P.O. Box 320722
- Fairfield, CT
- Phone/Fax: (203)
- E-mail: members@en-parent.com
- Again, welcome
to the National
Association of Entrepreneurial Parents. We believe you and your family will
feel right at home here in no time at all. In fact, we offer
a 30-day full refund of your membership dues if you don't. You
have nothing to lose, so join
- Cordially yours,
- Lisa Roberts
& deB Sechrist
- Co-Founders
- Your Member Profile page at www.en-parent.com.
- NAEP Chapter Guidelines to start your
own local support group of EPs.
- Choice of A Parent's Guide
to Home Business, EP Tote
Bag or EP T-Shirt.
- EPnews — a quarterly
print publication filled with success strategies for home-based
- NAEP Annual Membership Directory.
- NAEP credentials (Membership Card
& Certificate of Membership)
- Inclusion in the EP Gift
Shop for EP's who create
and sell original and unique products, crafts, jewelry or artwork.
- Home career counseling and resume development at low members-only
- Click here
for more!